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hiding masked masking not seen
Autism Autistic ASD teenager male need help
young poor confused unsure sad
Autism Autistic ASD isolated alone depressed in need hopeless
neurodivergent Autistic lost alone need help depressed

Mission: Raising awareness that Level 1 Autism may remain unidentified in children and young adults. Masking of Autistic traits can have severe repercussions on
mental health.

tired depressed misunderstood sad
lost tired confused depressed anxious
school lost unsure depressed
need help thinking sad anxiety

Please contribute your comments or own experiences in the Forum section. Discussion is welcomed as open communication is the way forward to understanding your behaviour and differences. Please consult a medical professional if you would like to investigate need for your own diagnosis.

This website contains information compiled by website creator from reading published literature, personal accounts, and aims to encourage awareness and discussion on this topic.  Information on this website is not to be used in place of a Professional Medical Diagnosis and is of general interest only. My goal is to create awareness for those that may need to follow-up their concerns with a Doctor, Trained Neurodivergence Psychologist or Psychiatrist. Just for purposes discussion mention of Autism/ASD will either be 'Autism' or 'ASD' (Autism Spectrum Disorder). Use of types of language in this area are changing, so if it is incorrectly used, no offence is intended.

A public forum and personal blog of the author, is also included.  The References menu contains Medical Literature titles for your review and also websites. Check the resources tab for various Australian Autism Association contacts that can help with your queries.

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